Sunday, 15 December 2013

Real Women Are Sexy. Sexy Women Are Real.

So, no doubt you see as many of these things popping up on social media as I do:

For fucks sake! Stop telling me what makes a woman sexy.

For one thing you don't get to tell me what I like. I choose that. Yes I happen to think both Christina Hendricks AND Keira Knightly are really hot because I don't prescribe to what everyone else is told to do.

Secondly, you're not helping anyone. You think you're doing curvy women a favour? They're curvy, and if they feel good about it and think they're sexy then they're probably doing fine and getting all the welcome attention they need. They don't need you cack-handedly attempting to help 'em.

But how do you think skinny girls feel? You think you're helping them feel better about themselves?  Or bigger girls, whose curves don't fit your 50's hourglass ideals?
If you think you're trying to break down patriarchal/media fed notions of how women should look then you've messed up by swapping one 'perfect woman' for another.

I wholeheartedly stand in the camp that says there shouldn't be an ideal body type for women to be aiming for- but you're not in that camp.
You're setting up a new camp that all the other dickheads ride to on the back of your bandwagon.

Also, I guarantee it's 90% women posting these things, not men. Hell, I don't even see lesbians posting this shit. Neither have I seen gay guys posting the male equivalent. That's because people decide what they find attractive- it's personal preference. And in no way should that be forced down anyone's opinion hole.

A recent campaign from Dove got it spot on when it showed pictures of women looking the way they look and posed the question as to if you thought they were beautiful. Obviously, the intention was to illicit a response that suggested everyone is beautiful in their own way. 

Unintentionally, however, they offer you the choice you have in real life: "Do I find you physically attractive?" Which, no matter what movie or tv show tries to tell us isn't the be all and end all of someone being beautiful, is still a big factor.

Alas it doesn't say "She likes Schwarzenegger movies" or "She laughs at dick jokes" or "She reads Game Of Thrones" or "She has season tickets to United" or any one of the many hidden things you'd get to find out about her if you got the chance. Cos for me, that is when she really gets sexy.

Rattling on about curvy women or if you're thin enough to have a thigh gap or having fake or real boobs/hair/tan- it doesn't matter. If she is sexy to you then she is sexy!

If it's cos that loose fitting jumper hangs on her the right way, or cos she'll act like a fool just to entertain your kids, or cos she knows just the right thing to say to you to make you feel better than you think you are, or how the recklessness of her bawdy Sid James style laugh makes her look truly free, or cos she unquestionably understands what Batman means to you, or cos she's the only girl you've met who agrees that American Psycho is an amazing comedy, or that when you're wrapped up in her she just feels like home.

Those should be what you're focused on.
If you'd all stop concerning yourself with what the exact perfect female image is then maybe we could move on.

Until next time fools,

Saturday, 7 December 2013

Moon Jump

This is my idea for the ultimate thrill seeker's base jump of a lifetime.

I couldn't give you any mathematical accuracy as it's just an idea and I don't know if it'd work.  But if it did it'd be ace!
So bear with me...

So first you drill a hole through the centre of the moon.

Make it about a mile wide.  It'll need to also have elevators running down the side,preferably more like capsules in vacuum tubes.  As many as possible.  Running to both sides of the moon where the hole comes out.

So what happens is pretty much like a base jump except you fall for roughly 1000 miles.  But it should also act like a bungee jump without the bungee cord.

From my limited understanding, gravity will obviously be lighter but the long decent and the vacuum of space should help speed that up so you'd essentially be flying pretty fast for 1000 miles.  Like Superman.  Albeit in a straight line.

Then you'll hit the centre.

And you'll fly right through.  But then gravity should pull you back.  The invisible bungee.
Then you should bounce back and forth like a yo-yo through the centre.  Until you come to a stop, hanging in the middle.

Obviously there needs to be some system in the centre for catching people.  I dunno- nets or whatever.
(I'm kind of assuming this will all be in the future so the elevators and catching apparatus will no doubt be more sophisticated than I can imagine now.)
But then you get pulled over to the side of the hole and get taken back up to the surface.


Being a mile wide it'll be big enough so multiple jumps can happen at once as well as group/team jumps.
I assume the future will also have the walls or the inside of your visor (obviously you'll be in future space suits too) with optional video playback to make it look how you want it to look: flying through clouds/space/underwater/bloodstreams/a urethra.  Entertainment in the elevators and up at the surface waiting area: karaoke/movies/bar/lapdances. The full package.

I call it:


Until next time fools,